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Afbeelding van het programma: Hautekiet


"I am going to be a President for all Americans…except Meryl Streep, she is the worst actress I have ever seen"

vr 20 jan. - 9:17

Frank Verholleman bracht kleine correcties aan de inauguratiespeech van Donald Trump.
"I am going to be a President for all Amercians…except Meryl Streep, she is the worst actress I have ever seen"

First of all, I would like to thank the American people and Mr Putin for electing me as President.

My first action will be to fundamentally reform Obamacare and call it “Idontcare”

I will be the greatest job producer God has ever created. I am going to create such a tremendous amount of jobs that God himself has to help out doing the late shift.

I will build that wall, Congres will pay for it advance. Then we demand the Mexicans to pay me back.

I am going to be a President for all Amercians……except Meryl Streep, she is the worst actress I have ever seen.

We, are going to do great things together and I will be a great President, believe me, the greatest president God has ever created.

So, Let’s grab the rest of the world by the pussy and make America great again.

God bless


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